The Awakening World Society Foundation
SELF Guidance to the Awakening of Consciousness
Audios for the Awakening and Deepening of Consciousness
These audios are meant to help you Awaken to the boundless reality of your total Being. They are not for knowledge, information, learning, or study. This is not for your mind. It is for your innermost Being.
Listen with openness, innocence, and simplicity.
The Divine Unseen
The Divine Unseen
An investigation into the degrees of brightness of Consciousness as it awakens to its Self as Totality. This is a talk about the states of Consciousness of Consciousness. It describes how self awakens to its Infinity, how that Silent Infinity awakens to its hidden divine intelligence that gives rise to the appearance of creation, and how that divine intelligence is in reality the refined perception of the flow of Self within its Self when the Totality is known. 50 min. © April 2008