The Awakening World Society Foundation
SELF Guidance to the Awakening of Consciousness
Audios for the Awakening and Deepening of Consciousness
These audios are meant to help you Awaken to the boundless reality of your total Being. They are not for knowledge, information, learning, or study. This is not for your mind. It is for your innermost Being.
Listen with openness, innocence, and simplicity.
Become the Sky
Become the Sky
The mind is a forest of thoughts, emotions, worries, joys, and sorrows. Your real Self is like the clear sky above the forest of the mind untouched by what goes on in the mind. It is easy to get caught and overshadowed by all the activities that go on in the forest of the mind. But when firmly established in Being, you are no longer so charmed by the qualities of the forest of the mind, and you begin to move more deeply into the qualities of the sky - into the divine qualities of the Self. © Jan 18, 2009. 45 min.